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A new Regional Centre for Information and Housing without Barriers in the Veneto Region

Proposta di un CRIBA nella Regione del Veneto Fish Veneto Città Sotto Scacco Regional Centre for Information and Housing without Barriers
Proposta di un CRIBA nella Regione del Veneto Fish Veneto Città Sotto Scacco Regional Centre for Information and Housing without Barriers

In this article, we will talk about the conference organized by FISH Veneto on June 24, 2023, at the Trissino Hall of the Viest Hotel in Vicenza. The conference addressed the issue of the proposal for a new Regional Centre for Information and Housing without Barriers in the Veneto Region (C.R.I.B.A), which aims to coordinate, support, and assist administrations, institutions, professionals, and individuals in improving the accessibility of public spaces and buildings.

On June 24, Luca Zampieron from Città Sotto Scacco srl participated in the conference entitled “Regional Centers of Information on Architectural, Sensory-Perceptual, and Intellectual-Cognitive Barriers: Proposal for a Veneto CRIBA,” which took place in Vicenza. During this important event, the proposal to establish a CRIBA (Regional Center for Information on Architectural and Environmental Barriers) in the Veneto region was publicly presented.

The project was promoted by the Architectural and Sensory Barriers Working Group of FISH Veneto and aims to create a center dedicated to accessibility and the elimination of architectural barriers. CRIBA Veneto will provide consultancy, professional training, and documentation, and actively collaborate in research and development of solutions aimed at ensuring urban planning and construction that meet the needs of all users, targeting professionals, academics, public entities, and associations.

The event began with greetings from the authorities present, followed by presentations from various experts in the field. Andreina Comoretto, president of FISH Veneto, illustrated the objectives and purposes of CRIBA Veneto through a video message, while Dario Ceroni from UILDM Vicenza shared the perspective of the Italian Union for the Fight against Muscular Dystrophy regarding accessibility. Assia Andrao, coordinator of the Accessibility and Mobility Working Group in FISH National, presented the work carried out by the Anffas association in this field. Piera Nobili, president of CERPA Italia, delved into the issues of Information Centers and the CERPA Network, focusing on the theme “No Copying Allowed.” Stefano Maurizio, another member of CERPA Italia, discussed the opportunities offered by Article 18 of Regional Law 16/2007, which concerns the elimination of architectural barriers.

Following that, a round table discussion was held on the proposal for CRIBA Veneto, with the participation of representatives from various associations and institutions.

The meeting concluded with the hope for a future CRIBA Veneto that can contribute to making the built environment accessible to everyone, ensuring greater inclusion and quality of life for people with disabilities. Specifically, there are intentions to pursue this project by establishing a CRIBA Veneto and compiling the valuable insights that emerged during the conference into a document to be presented to the Veneto region.

We offer the necessary consultancy to the Public Administration to implement the Municipal Accessibility Plan (PEBA) in full compliance with regulations and following the Guidelines for the Preparation of the PEBA.

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